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Somehow I got accepted andย  not only found my sense of direction but also found a different part of myself.

Not long ago, I had no idea what direction to take in my life. I never had any experience in any employment. Seeing myself getting released and finding jobs, especially a career, was hard.

One day, a friend of mine gave me an application to get into a computer coding program. I filled it out and submitted it. I was told hundreds of people were applying for this program, so I knew there was a huge chance I wouldn’t get accepted.

As time passed, I was notified that they wanted to interview me. During the interview, I didn’t have answers to most of the questions, so I knew I did pretty badly, so once again, I gave my hopes up. Somehow I got accepted andย  not only found my sense of direction but also found a different part of myself. The environment is like nothing I’ve ever seen. It’s helped me to open up and build better social skills. Being in this program has impacted my life in many ways, and I am grateful for it. I am still trying to figure out what I’d do without computer coding!

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