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She said, “You are my responsibility, my nephew, we’re family!”

Coming from a household where there was no father and mother addicted to drugs, I found myself locked up at an early age. I made poor choices in the streets that ended with me doing a 35-year prison sentence. From a young age, I’ve always felt alone. In prison, I’m always surrounded by many people but somehow still alone.

Now, as I look back, I have never been alone. God and my Aunt Rhonda have always been with me. I remember a conversation my aunt and I had early on in my sentence. I said, “I know I’m not your son and am not your responsibility, but thank you for being there and looking out.” She said, “You are my responsibility, my nephew, we’re family!” In four different prisons, 20 years later,  she showed me what love is, and she has been a big part of my growth and development as a man.

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