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How I Met My Wife

I was passing my day at Salinas Valley State Prison by playing on Facebook with my contraband cell phone. A photo caught my eye. A beautiful blond woman participating in a toy drive. I sent her a friend request, and the exchange went something like this:

Me: Friend request sent

Staci: Why are you requesting me? I read the newspapers and know who you are. My last boyfriend is a Richmond Police Homicide Detective. With that, I was sure she would report that I had a cell phone.

Me: My bad, lady. I just saw a photo of a cute woman and messaged you. Sorry to bother you. Have a great day.

Several days later, she accepted my friend request, and we would text a couple of times a day. After a week or so, I called her. About a week later, I sent her a visit form. After a few months of visits and we were engaged to be married, which occurred on July 13th, 2019, at Salinas Valley State Prison. For the last five years, she has been my biggest supporter and an advocate for all inmates and their families as a member of the Inmate Family Council at Salinas Valley and Avenal State Prisons and now here at San Quentin Rehabilitation Center.

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