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My mother has been a part of my healing and support system my whole time incarcerated. We talk about my growth as a man in prison. This time of isolation made me look deep within myself to remember who I am.

When I was free, I battled addiction and grief. I lacked emotional maturity, not knowing how to deal with my feelings. I would use drugs as a way to deal with my trauma. Now, being sober for years, I started to change my thinking patterns. Giving up shame, guilt, and insecurities, I was able to accept love, healing, and understanding. I have learned to appreciate life in a new light and stay positive even in difficult times. I accepted my true self, throwing away the mask of self-made delusions. My mother noticed my change and has lifted me in this journey of self-love and healing. I noticed I started lifting people around me, which made me enjoy the human experience more. I have learned to show gratitude with my actions and inner thoughts, to use exercise to help with my addictions, and to think about all the beautiful people God has blessed me with. My mother and friends have helped me become more grounded. I realized the best part of being locked up is my time growing emotionally and being in the best physical shape of my life. I know that the unseen holds the most potent forces in the universe. Your inner thoughts can manifest into the physical world, “As a man thinketh, he isโ€ฆ” When I get out, I want to live life with happiness and honor. I want to celebrate all forms of beauty with the people I love. Every day, I thank God for seeking truth and living through love.


Heart of a Warriorย 

Soul of a Poet

When one opens his heart,

He can find beauty even in the chaos.

When one is honest in the dark,

In the light, truth can save us,

When a man is fearless in his love,

One doesn’t need walls to silence his heart song,

I’ll keep singing and loving unconditionally,

I know why I fight,

A wavering of light.

I was thanking the heavens for my night.

When you look into my eyes,

My soul will still be dancing.

One Comment

  • Twinette says:

    WHAT A BLESSING!!! To see the man that my son has become. Thank you for the opportunity for him to share his true self be blessed and continue to be a blessing to others!!!

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