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Attitude is everything.

I took on the attitude, “I can’t do anything about things out of my control. I’ll shake it off and make the best of my situation.” I have control over my heart, attitude, and, most of all, my mouth!

I refuse to complain or blame others. Even though I was put in a prison of self-pity and unforgiveness, I accept it as a part of my life. The very action of evil that touches our lives can be naturally turned around by God’s great power, working with faith and a godly attitude. The heart is where decisions and choices are made for the whole person.

Do you have the attitude of an overcomer and a champion? You can not have the favor of God with a negative attitude. In the middle of my problems, I can have both present victory and future assurance that the best will come. A positive attitude is such a tremendous thing! Your words reveal your character. Even for the most talented people, maturity comes through hard knocks and rough circumstances.

Being in prison, you have two choices: give up or give in to God. Don’t waste years in jail. The heart’s attitude is more important than any physical location or position. If you have the right attitude, God will always use your past and present experiences to prepare you for something more significant. When the pressure is turned up, how do we respond? As long as we stay faithful to God and keep our hearts clean before Him with a good attitude, victory is just right around the corner.

This, too, shall pass. God is in control.

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