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…being able to have communication with understanding and knowledge is a key factor, it makes it easier to survive in the world.

At my first understanding, life consists of stop, go, unease and ease. One understanding came into knowledge for me, I understood why certain things came to be, why certain things were so disruptive without communication.

Iโ€™m watching a hawk watch pigeons. Heโ€™s deciding on which one is his breakfast course, which one heโ€™s going to eatโ€ฆ we go inside the kitchen here to give away one of the courses we donโ€™t like to another. These birds donโ€™t have much choice, when a hawk gets a bird he eats it all and gives it to his babies to survive, while we throw away food because of a bad taste or whatever…being able to have communication with understanding and knowledge is a key factor, it makes it easier to survive in the world.

The hawk caught his breakfast and just demolished that bird. I witnessed a hawkโ€™s journey to breakfast. Once you understand life, youโ€™ll be able to catch your dream like that hawk caught his breakfast.

When I was growing up I had a lot of one-liners, โ€œWhatโ€™d you say, fool, Iโ€™ll break your face.โ€ Now understanding what Christ has done for me I have compassion for people and what they say. I no longer consider people objects and am more wise about how I say what I say. I have developed my communication skills, and now I can dialogue with people I would never have given a chance before.

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