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The game takes my mind away from this place. It lets me be who I want to be.

Every day I wake up at 5:30 a.m. looking forward to the day, sometimes not even realizing it is Saturday or Sunday. But I wake up regardless, first thanking God for allowing me to see another day with good health and the knowledge that I am loved. I ask God to bless all my loved ones and pray for those who are not as fortunate.

At 6:30 a.m. I eat to grow, making sure I have a good healthy breakfast because I am going to need all my energy when I step onto that basketball court. I rally against anyone willing to step on the court. But it is all in good humor and love whether it is one, two, three, or even four hours of ballin. The game takes my mind away from this place. It lets me be who I want to be. I love the challenge because I can impact the game whether it is through scoring, passing, rebounding, or defense. It reminds me of the good old days.

At 52, I cannot jump as high and I am not as fast. But I can say that I play smarter. The only thing that reminds me where I am is the occasional alarm. It brings me back. But when they announce over the loudspeaker “Code 4” meaning we can resume our activities, I go right back into my world. In those moments I am not in prison. By the time I am done playing, I am limping, my muscles are sore, and my bones ache, but I feel like I have accomplished something. I thank God that I did not get hurt, and I know that tomorrow is a new day. Same time, same place. I will be here.

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