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I had never felt so much love in my life.

Most of my early memories are filled with pain, terror, fear, and tension. Many of my recent memories are hazy, the result of drug use. However, one memory stands out, and I call on it when I feel alone or overwhelmed by my 183-years-to-life sentence.

I was around five years old at a softball game with my brother. My dad was playing, and it was a warm day. There was a field next to the park, and the grass was taller than me. I remember watching grasshoppers jump and butterflies flutter for what felt like hours. At some point, I must have fallen asleep in the grass.

When I woke up, my entire familyโ€”my aunties, cousins, dad, and brotherโ€”was frantically looking for me. I had never felt so much love in my life. Thank you for reading my memory and for giving me a platform to help with my healing.

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