Make no mistake about it, incarceration for those who are prepared to face the dawn of a new day in society can bring personal life-changing accomplishments to the table.
Sleep regularly eludes me, mocking my enormous evening dose of melatonin. Iโve been clinically-diagnosed with a depersonalization and derealization disorder (DDD).
My frontal cortex hungrily chews through a seemingly-infinite deluge of daily fact and/or fiction… night after night.
After two daunting decades with few delusions of reprieve on California’s Death Row, a rehabilitative ambition emerged from the darkness, the likes of which I’d never have imagined.
A giving sense of community ripe for the taking. There’s something to be said for the spirit of giving, especially when a hubris falls in the aftermath.
For myself, I awoke to the realization that living inmate organ donation for match-worthy, biological immediate family members is something that not only the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ population should be entitled to.
With a little fortitude and campaigning, I was able to enlist the support of a California State Senator who has effectively laid a path to modeling a national law after the existing Federal protocol. Tenacity is the key. I am but one simple man with a proffer of common sense which promises to insure to the benefit of many who might otherwise die without this type of legislation.
Hear me when I say that anyone can bring something of great design to the world from beyond myriad prison walls across this nation. Shift the mental narrative and grow from within.
Hunger with desire to improve not only yourself, but the great big world around you — those very same communities we’ll all one day return to, and once-again, call home. Stay inspired and eager for change.