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My hope is to get out and become a productive member of society. I learned by helping others that change begins on the inside and it is never ending.


I never thought I was capable of taking a life. My worst nightmare became a reality and led me to incarceration. I was lost. I had no idea who I was or wanted to become. The only thing that I knew is that I had to be a good mother, girlfriend, daughter, sister, and friend. This meant taking care of everyone but myself. Just over 17 years ago I knew I needed to change. Little did I know just how much I would change over these years. When I found Go, I learned to lean heavily on all of his promises. He has seen fit to use me to help people inside with all kinds of different programs. Once I accepted responsibility for my actions, he helped form my character.

I went from being a liar, manipulator, and victim to being a woman who is transparent, honest, and owns what I do, good or bad. Knowing I have hurt so many people, I dedicated my life in service to honor my victims. It is how I hold myself accountable to the wrongs Iโ€™ve done. My hope is to get out and become a productive member of society. I learned by helping others that change begins on the inside and it is never ending. Happiness is a choice. I choose to be happy and I hope others will too.

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