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The Face of Emmett Till

Face the face of Emmett Till โ€˜til justice makes him whole.
Face the wounds that haunt us still, still restless in his soul.
The ballooned orbs where cheeks should be,
The bludgeoned smile that we canโ€™t see.
Look upon the gruesome marks of Jim Crowโ€™s heavy toll.

Peer into the casket, gasp at evilโ€™s wicked hand.
Peer into the past at the unmasked inhumanity of man.
The mangled form that was a boy,
The equal rights they canโ€™t destroy.
Look upon the face that caused the world to take a stand.

His mother bade us look, just look, and let the whole world see.
She showed us what they took; they showed their insecurity.
The stolen youth based on a lie,
The face of truth that cannot die.
Look upon the face of one whoโ€™s finally been set free.

Embrace him in his loneliness, who died a martyrโ€™s death.
Embrace his endless liveliness, for we are now his breath.
The struggle that has yet been won,
The victory we must give her son.
Look upon the face of all the work that we have left.

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