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Some Days I can’t stand to look in the mirror

Trying’ daily to find relief through written scripture

Even though the melanin in my skin tells me I’m built to win

This battle within and what about where the desires truly lie or could they lies ingested on the inside be a personification of self hate injected by the media?

That today, yeah today – is a good day

Only if it’s brought to you by Coca-Cola

Seem to me

Everything’s a marketing scheme

Maybe even me

I’m just hoping you buy in

Into this intelligent introvert

A heaven sent martyr

With the ability to people please

Or is that only when the people are pleasing to me

Welcome to my world

Where imperfections are systematically picked at for the purpose of identifying the why

The why we stop pushing for

The why we stop fighting for

The why we on this earth for

To take up space??

I doubt that’s it

Remember Jim Crow and segregation

Remember the back of the bus

Remember civil and human rights


I guess we forgot

Or got cool with what we got

Or was it a given to pacify the times, not realizing we barely scrapin’ by

As for me

Enough is enough

I refuse to sit down or stay down

I understand that generations to follow after  me. We got enough robots and workers

So I’m the sacrifice

Cause I want my babies proud of me

So their babies proud of them

But understand this

The armor of the Most High upon his son, so through my walk

This life light will be what my children mirror

And in their reflection, the hate I proclaim earlier will be released

So I guess this is a mirror no one sees

The tormented soul of a man within a man

Breaking foundation for the future man to present himself and you could say he’s been

Here the whole time

Right here in the heart and mind’s eye

Waiting for the other man to step aside

Blessings from the Most High

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