For seven miserable years I lived my life how I saw fit and turned my back on everything I had…
humansgodaddyMay 24, 2023
My street name is “Sly,” not by gang or negative slang, but because I was caught, at the age of…
humansgodaddyMay 23, 2023
My dad, uncles and aunts were alcoholic, so I followed suit. My mother never drank but had mental issues.
humansgodaddyMay 23, 2023
The most beautiful dark brown eyes set in a divine Navajo face looked up at me. Her hair done in…
pjpMay 22, 2023
Pain of a Villain I take medication to forget about the past Open seats Remind me of a lot of…
pjpMay 22, 2023
Love is kind, patient, love is with pure intention. Love never gives up, it is our only hope for peace…
humansgodaddyMay 22, 2023
I had just walked out of the county jail from doing a possession charge term in Houston, Texas. As I…
humansgodaddyMay 22, 2023