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I would give you the last shirt off my back if you needed it more than I did.

Growing up, I’ve been abused my whole life. From sexual to physical and by anybody who could get their hands on me. I can’t count on my hands or toes how many times I’ve been sexually abused. I became addicted to sex and hearing what guys wanted to do to me at a very young age. I would take pictures and videos of myself and sell them to people from the Raw Humane officials. Somehow, it all got sent around my school and eventually to the system, where it was turned into the police. The worst part is, I let my sister do sexual acts to me and I sold the videos. I’m not proud of what I did. I thought it was the only way I could help my mama. It was all I knew. In the county jail, I had four different charges. Now all they did was charge me with Aggravated Child Molestation and now, Iโ€™m facing a 30-to-12 sentence with no parole.ย  I have no support on the outside. My dad has turned my whole family against me. But what he didn’t want them to know was that he was chasing me and leaving bruises and making sexual comments towards me. I donโ€™t have a dad anymore, and I will never call him “dad” again. Iโ€™m going to fight my case, and thereโ€™s nothing anyone can say to stop or hurt me. To all the people reading this, I know it looks bad, but Iโ€™m not a bad person. Iโ€™m about to turn 20, and Iโ€™ve been through hell and back. I would give you the last shirt off my back if you needed it more than I did. If youโ€™d like to reach out and talk, you can write to me. I canโ€™t get anyone to write or call. I hope my story helps you in some way!

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