As a leader, I have the ability to
encourage and inspire others to
Woman of Action
I am a woman of action. I inspire
others with my activity. I am a leader.
Leading is doing. To lead, I must move
forward. Many people move out of the
way for a woman on the run. Others
are caught up in her wake.
Her activity will create a wave of
success for those who follow. Her
activity will be consistent. This will
instill confidence in my leadership.
As a leader, I have the ability to
encourage and inspire others to
greatness. It is truly an army of sheep
led by a lion that would defeat an army
of lions led by sheep.
I am a woman of action. I am daring. I
am courageous. Fear no longer has a place
in my life. For too long, fear has outweighed
my desire to make things better for my
family. NEVER AGAIN! I have exposed fear
as a vapor, an imposter who never had any
power over me in the first place! I do not
fear opinion, gossip, or the idle chatter
of monkeys, for all are the same to me.
I do not fear failure, for in my life, failure
is a myth. Failure only exists for a person
who quits. I do not quit. I am courageous. A
woman of action.
Your story is so inspiring. Failure is so scary and many times dictates a lot of people’s lives, but your story has taught me that I can’t fail if I never stop trying. You have so much power as a leader, never stop using it to inspire others.