Introducing Raheem, 46 "As each bird flew off with a piece of bread, I would get the feeling that I was doing my…humansgodaddyDecember 12, 2023
Introducing Liliana “Lily”, 30 “I witnessed an awe-inspiring sense of beauty and tranquility…”humansgodaddyDecember 12, 2023
Introducing Mike G., 28 “Today after a lot of healing and participation in self-help groups, I finally feel free.”humansgodaddyDecember 8, 2023
Introducing Chris, 53 “It was about the six seconds of compassion that my foster sister showed me and the courage to let her…humansgodaddyNovember 28, 2023
Recipes Ben’s Prison-Style Apple Fritters In prison I like to chop up the apples first. Then, I put them in a hot pot and boil…sheriNovember 24, 2023
Recipes Ben’s Jolly Rancher Taffy Poppers I’m sure you hear how taffy is made. Well, I'll get a bag of Jolly Ranchers and melt it down…sheriNovember 17, 2023
Introducing Jorge, 35 “Whether my mom knew it or not, the seeds she planted long ago started to bloom later in life.”humansgodaddyNovember 15, 2023
Introducing Tony, 50 “I don’t want to grow bitter and dark, yet I can feel my mind slipping further and further down the…humansgodaddyNovember 10, 2023
Recipes Henok’s Prison Birthday Cake So birthdays have always been hard on me, because of the memories and good times, and constant reminder of my…sheriNovember 10, 2023