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…I’ve been incarcerated 18 ½ years thus far. My road to manhood was anything but smooth, but I’m thankful for every heartache, hardship, and road bump along the way. For it was these valuable life lessons that made me the man I am today.

Incarcerated: 18 ½ years
Housed: Massachusetts Correctional Institution – Concord, MA

I’m always in a space to help support and push a positive agenda forward. I’m from Brooklyn NY, born and raised, but my former lifestyle led to a life in the name of profit, which is why I’m in a Massachusetts prison. I’ve been incarcerated 18 ½ years. My road to manhood was anything but smooth, but I’m thankful for every heartache, hardship, and road bump along the way.

In my spiritual beliefs I don’t believe in coincidence. I believe all things happen by divine order, so maybe, just maybe, your choosing me to write among whomever you did was divine order. Why do I say that? Because of the work I already do. I’m heavily invested in community outreach work, political engagement inside and outside prison walls.

I put together events within the community and events behind the wall. I’m tied to and work with organizations throughout the state creating meaningful policies and legislation towards prison reform. I’m the lead facilitator here and founder of “Restorative Justice Working Group” in which I work with the directors of the University of Massachusetts [UMASS Boston]. I organize all restorative justice-related events. I’m also enrolled in Emerson College [Boston]; I’m 6 classes away from my double BA.

The list goes on, but those are just some of the things that consume my life day to day. I seldom have moments to breathe, however, I respect what you’re doing, and I want to reach back out to see if we can open a line of communication, and begin to outline how you see that I can help you and your crew grow beyond merely just sending you a photo and post.

I therefore would like to possibly open a dialogue I have about your non-profit so that I may assess best what I can possibly do to assist your agenda, whether that be getting people to send photos and post, or thinking a little bigger and you and your team doing something like a “Humans of Massachusetts” version for your non-profit. Just two of many ideas we can visit. So this is me extending my hand. I really respect what you’re doing and wish you and your team nothing but success. Hope to hear from you soon.

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