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“I believe we as prisoners can and should unite by utilizing every resource possible to expose, and subsequently compel legislatures to change laws!”

Incarcerated: All my adult life minus 13 months

Housed: Lakeland Correctional Facility, MI

This is my third life sentence, no murder, no serious physical injuries, no sex crimes or continued pattern of crime. My crime was bad, but not worthy of a Death in Custody sentence. 

My real crime: Exercising my rights to self-representation.  I’ve been reduced to a spiritual being. I’m a realist not buying into bullshit. I believe we as prisoners can and should unite by utilizing every resource possible to expose, and subsequently compel legislatures to change laws. In here, I started a dialogue five years ago with others. I wanted to throw around some ideas and get the legal minds in here familiar with each other.

My two cents at the table concerned having the “Exception clause”  of the 13th amendment rescinded. It happened in Colorado! I highly recommend that if anyone is in contact with any prisoners in Colorado, please let them know that as a result of the “Slavery Exception” clause being removed from their state’s constitution, they can and should assert all rights possible: voting, cellphones, minimum wage jobs etc….  

I know it will take time for the imprisoned mind to awaken; but we need to let them know. I am extra grateful to the men in California who pushed for us all to get stimulus checks.  Big thanks and I hope they will correspond with me, so we can exchange some legal knowledge. California also has the ear of Nancy Pelosi, who can encourage the Federal Government to rescind the 13th amendment’s exception clause. If the Feds do it, the states will have to follow suit. After all, who in their right mind would oppose removing slavery language from anything right now?

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