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Dear Humans!

I hope you are all in good health and spirit. Thank you so much for the certificate, the letter, and the comments you sent in regards to the writing I sent to you. I wasn’t expecting all of this, and it’s honestly taken me a few days to process it all! At this point this whole process has for sure given me a bit of a different perspective, on several fronts. This has been a learning experience for me. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

A few years ago I was thinking of how I not only had this need to be of service to others as a big, big part of my recovery and rehabilitation, but I also hoped to find a way to be an inspiration to others. Like so many things in life, as I’m learning, these types of things happen when you’re not really focused on them, when you’re just staying true to the path that you’re on.

From the Instagram comments that you sent to me a couple of them even used the words “inspiring,” and “inspired.” How awesome is that?! I was given the opportunity to share a story about a very kind person. A simple story about an awesome act became inspirational to others! Again, thank you so much for that opportunity.

I’ve posted your flier, and I’ve given the packet and envelopes to a friend of mine here who also writes, you should be hearing from him soon. Can I send more writing to you? As we all do, I have lots of stories I could share. How about poems, do you also receive poems to share? I have some I’d love to send.

I want you to know that you inspire me and I thank you and appreciate you and the good and noble work that you do. Have a great day, keep a smile on your mug, and do something fun! Much love your way.



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