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Dear H.O.S.Q Staff,

Hey there! As always nothing but utmost love and bear hugs are extended to each and all of you who remain steadfast and committed to help the world hear the voices from behind these walls and any positive vibes and change to bring into our hearts and minds. Thank you for your time and compassion to do what you do. I’m grateful and I appreciate you! I was amazed at the story you put up of me. I couldn’t believe how inspirational and positive I sound compared to my struggle and hardships in life! And perhaps it can resonate in others who have endured similar situations. It’s only been a few years since I have grown spiritually and mentally. I now understand it brings me happiness to support and help others in a positive way. I know life gets hectic sometimes and I wish and want the best for your staff. Stay focused, positive and happy.  Once again thank you with nothing but utmost love and respect.



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