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Dear Diane,
I pray this here finds you and the entire Humans of San Quentin team hangin-in-there
as best as one can with everything that is still taking place out there with the pandemic
and the uncertainty attached to it.

Before I continue, I would like to apologize for how long it has taken me to write and
express my gratitude for what you are all doing with this labor of love to shine light
inside these concrete walls and steel slabs. I am very sorry for not stopping by right
away. I pray this delay of mine isn’t seen as a form of ingratitude on my part.
I am thankful for what you are all doing. I do hope my story is able to resonate with
everyone who reads it, and that it contributes to changing perspectives. Thank you for including it on your social platforms. I would also like to say thank you for the screen
shots, stamps, and certificate you all blessed me with. It was a well-received surprise, thank you!

Diane, I assure you that the introspection I have attained wasn’t an overnight process,
but rather an arduous one that began immediately after the realization breakthrough
moment I had. Only then was I able to genuinely commit to searching the depths of my
soul to learn the “HOW AND WHY”. How and why I had become someone who had no
regard for human life, the rules of society, and safety of others. Why was I willing to
make the choices I made that would negatively impact the lives of countless people,
including my daughter. BY GOD’S GRACE it was this vulnerability he enabled me to tap
into that would in turn give me the strength to break through the layers of denial I had
formed and used to protect myself from the boogeyman in the form of the unprocessed
hurt I had been living with that was consuming my life. I learned quickly that my strength
came from my vulnerability because it had me at the feet of Christ crying out for help.
When I was weak then I was strong (2COR. 12:10). His grace allowed for transparency
in sharing my story with others who had similar experiences. The healing began in
rooms filled with broken men who were willing to be vulnerable and come out from
behind the tattooed faces and bodies to reveal the hurt child inside that had been
screaming to be acknowledged for too long.

I agree with what you said about it being hard to find strength in it. But I believe it is very
necessary in order to begin the healing process that leads to life-changing insights with
the power to break the cycle and reverse the direction of one’s path from a destructive
one to a constructive one.

Thank you for your uplifting words. I would also like to say that although we do not know
each other, personally, I want you all to know that I will live the rest of the days God
blesses me in this realm of existence in honor of everyone who has ever reached out
with encouragement and sacrificed something we can never get back… time! Thank You!
By the way, I hope you have received some writings from the guys I directed to you.

Thank you for the trust. It has been challenging to reach out to the other gentlemen I
have in mind to direct to you. The restrictions that have been placed on us here
because of the pandemic, have us confined to the building we are housed in. But as
soon as I am able to I will pass out the remainder of the stamped envelopes.
Yes, I am beyond grateful for my sister Leslie Lakes. She is a true blessing from God!
And I trust her completely. If there is ever anything I can help you all with please let me know and if it is within my power to do so count it as done.
Once again Thank You!. I pray I leave you all in the company of good health and a big ol’ cheesy smile. GOD BLESS!
In Gratitude,

P.S. My family really enjoyed how you posted everything. They thank you as well for
including my story, for it is theirs too. My daughter was super happy to see it.
Oh, May 2021 exceed all your expectations.


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