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I will always ache in my heart over the pain of the past, but their love, support, and encouragement taught me that it is okay to get up and live again.

I struggled with self-hatred and addiction for many years. My approach to life was, โ€œDo good to look the part; I can do this by myself; I do not need help, and I love the only way I know how.โ€

I was lost, broken, and poisoned with years of suppressed memories and feelings of self-hatred, fear, pain, and confusion. I was independent, stubborn, and terrified of life and its pressures. Too proud to admit it. I was an addict from age 14 to 28. I attempted to excel but quit when life got too hard. Accountability was like a toothache, and I was allergic to consistency.

While in my addiction, my body shut down while driving one day, and I caused a terrible accident. I hurt so many people by punishing myself all the time. I almost died, too, and it scared me. I apologize sincerely that it took something so devastating to wake me up. I no longer had a desire to use, but I knew I needed help.

I began by asking God and believing He would help me. He has always been there; I didnโ€™t know it. My life has taken a new direction through getting to know Jesus and following His way. God has added multiple people to my life to help me along the way. So many people have helped me along the way, and I especially want to thank my mom and daughters. Our memories together add fuel to my days. I will always ache in my heart over the pain of the past, but their love, support, and encouragement taught me that it is okay to get up and live again.

Now, I live to help others do the same. Please take a moment to let someone know today how thankful you are for their help.

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