East Arkansas Regional Unit

Humans at this Location

  • Christopher, 26

    We were out eating dinner with her family, when I got on one knee and asked her to marry me. We were married by a lake while on vacation, and have been married ever since and have two more kids.
  • Wyatt, 23

    I’ve battled with addiction and losing the most cherished person to me: my mother. What helps me get through this time is never forgetting the love and memory of my mother.
  • Mashudu, 23

    I learned a man is someone who takes full responsibility for all his actions. I will admit when I’m right and accept when I'm wrong. In 2025, I’ll be free.
  • Lamar, 34

    This woman was the answer to my prayers. I thought I just needed a penpal but I got a mother. I call her my Godmother and I truly love her as if she made me.

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