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As I wait anxiously for my son, my stomach is in knots. Music is playing, and volunteers are clapping throughout the gymnasium. This room is full of good vibes. Logan walks in with a slightly nervous look on his face.

He scans the room, and our eyes meet. A huge smile spreads across his face, and any nervousness he had is now gone. We quickly move towards one another, and a joyful tension builds with each step. He begins running, his little legs are just churning.

Finally, we collide together-time stops. I’m grinning, he’s grinning. He jumps into my arms and wraps his tiny arms around my neck, “Hey, Daddy, I missed you.” “Hey buddy-buddy, I love you so much.” As I hold my son in my arms, my heart is full, and at this moment, all is well in the world.

It’s 2012, and I’m at Alexander Correctional, beginning the second year of a 56-year sentence. Yet, I’m truly happy and so very excited. Today is my first time participating in a One Day with God event. This wonderful day brings fathers and their children together for the entire day. It is so nice to simply be with him all day long.

Logan and I play games together, laugh together, eat together, and we cry together before the day’s end. This day means so much since we only see each other every month or so, for an hour at a time, and with limited physical contact.


โ€œI watch my son

peacefully sleeping

for the first time in years,

and I could not be happier.โ€


Nearing the end of the day now, Logan’s tummy is full, and he is tired. Sitting off to the side of the room, he falls asleep on my lap. His head rests on my shoulder, and his arms are wrapped around me ever so tightly. This chair is uncomfortable, and I’m sitting at an odd angle, which adds to the discomfort. Yet I’m not moving for anything in the world because I want this moment to last forever. I watch my son peacefully sleeping for the first time in years, and I could not be happier.

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