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In response to my family’s worries of surviving covid in prison:

I am alive and well, although real life
is adjacent to where I reside.
A boundary that distorts one’s visions at times.
I shall survive and thrive.
I am in fate’s domain, a detour of
bewildering burdens that I am not
to comprehend at times.
Survive and thrive, a trait no doubt
bestowed to entertain the fates.

For my dad’s 60th birthday:


Our thirst for wine
Once quenched
We’ve become somber

Our desire for knowledge
Once acquired

Earthly herbs aroma
Stellar scents of dust
Yet experienced

My Pain

Yesterday’s culprit, tomorrow’s stain, deep searing pains

Guilt, sorrow – sculpt my chains

Harsh and cruel upon a spirit

Piercing one’s dreams

A caustic deed to redeem

Costly treasure, redemption indeed

Forsaken – a soul in need

Is atonement creed

Revelations awaken to take and gain

Salvations ache and distress

Today’s treacherous caress

My stain

My chain

My pain

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