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I want people to know that being in prison you can stay lost or you can allow it to rehabilitate you. Me, I chose to let it rehabilitate me and that’s when I found myself. I began to smile. I felt good inside. Going to church, participating in self-help programs.

Incarcerated: 10 years

Housed: North Kern State Prison; Delano, California

I was lost. I failed to listen to direction. I thought I could find my way on my own. I realized that it only got darker and I couldn’t see the light. Then I decided enough is enough, I  began to listen as I came to a fork in the road. I was able to take the right path and listen. I was on the wrong path with addictive behavior and I lost the trust of the community and my family. I want people to know that being in prison you can stay lost or you can allow it to rehabilitate you. Me, I chose to let it rehabilitate me and that’s when I found myself. I began to smile. I felt good inside. Going to church, participating in self-help programs. Because of the impact of my addictive behavior in the community, I vow to never use drugs again and help those who have fallen to that lifestyle. I’ve grown up and I learned to take responsibility for my actions. I learn that I couldn’t transform without God on my side. It’s because of Him I came out of the darkness and found the light. All praises go to God because I’m thankful for the change in my life. Since I’ve been down God helped me to accomplish a lot. I have completed many programs with many certificates. To the community, the victims in my case, and my family: I know there is no amount of words that can take away that traumatic experience you went through that night. But I want you to know that I’m a different person now and I’m truly sorry for my addictive behavior and I’m asking everyone that I affected to please forgive me. I was lost, but I’m found. Thank the Lord. To my family, thank you for your support and love and prayers. Everyone who reads this: you can change. All you have to do is change the way you think. I have compassion and empathy that I know is working because I watch a movie and something bad happens. I tear up. Prayer works.

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