Introducing Mike G., 28 “Today after a lot of healing and participation in self-help groups, I finally feel free.”humansgodaddyDecember 8, 2023
Introducing Sinmyah, 28 I love everything about me, my tattoos, my piercings, and my creative self. The media and the world could ask…Tiina VuorenmaaDecember 4, 2023
Introducing Joel, 31 “Being gone away from the world that I once knew for so long will make you feel forgotten.”humansgodaddyDecember 4, 2023
Poetry “Untitled” and “Peace to the World” by Sinmyah Lonely, you feel lonely. Silent, you can't speak. Loud, you can't think.elainaDecember 4, 2023
Introducing Tyane, 42 Tyane wrote her story with a poem, "Owed to Oneself"Tiina VuorenmaaNovember 29, 2023
Poetry “Owed to Oneself” by Tyane Love yourself past all the flaws Look deep inside to the beauty that callselainaNovember 29, 2023
Poetry “Memories” and “True Love” by Robert “Simple things, like taking walks, hopes and dreams were positive thoughts... Having a Family, a normal life, husband, kids, and…elainaNovember 28, 2023
Introducing Chris, 53 “It was about the six seconds of compassion that my foster sister showed me and the courage to let her…humansgodaddyNovember 28, 2023
Introducing Robert, 77 Simple things, like taking walks, hopes and dreams were positive thoughts... Having a Family, a normal life, husband, kids, and…BarryNovember 28, 2023
Introducing James, 55 “My future is bright, I will be released on December 28th of this year and I’ll celebrate a late Christmas…humansgodaddyNovember 28, 2023