Introducing Carlos, 38 Everything about prison is designed to break the very essence of a human person.humansgodaddyJune 29, 2023
Gratitude Thank You from Clayton "Thank you so much for this experience. To all the staff of Humans of SQ, inside and out, you have…pjpJune 29, 2023
More Stories From Randy, 29 I no longer focus on life here in prison. I see my future and who I want to be. That…humansgodaddyJune 29, 2023
Introducing Terrance, 34 I call my mom everyday to make sure her emotional, mental, and spiritual life are intact. My mother and I…humansgodaddyJune 28, 2023
Introducing Anthony, 57 The best part was seeing how happy my customers were. I really thrived when customers gave me the freedom to…humansgodaddyJune 28, 2023
Recipes Vincent’s Mac and Mak Greetings people. I would like to ask for a small amount of your time to try and fix a dish…sheriJune 27, 2023
Introducing Clayton, 31 I learned to face my past head-on by writing, speaking, and accepting all that happened, I could have done this…humansgodaddyJune 27, 2023
Introducing Mashudu, 23 I learned a man is someone who takes full responsibility for all his actions. I will admit when I’m right…humansgodaddyJune 27, 2023
Introducing TaShena, 31 In order to stay peaceful, strong, and spiritually centered, I use visualization. I also remember my Native American Culture. I…humansgodaddyJune 26, 2023
Introducing Kareem, 44 Not only did he die, but for several years I blamed him, embracing the false narrative that I was the…humansgodaddyJune 26, 2023