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Greetings Diane,

I received a gracious postcard from the HOSQ. Many thanks. I am extremely pleased to have received a response from you. I also received some exceptionally great news that I want to share with you. My wife received a phone call from my attorney indicating that I am scheduled to return to my county jail. I am due to go before a judge on August 20th to have my gun enhancement conviction reviewed. I have been aware of many other inmates going back to court to have their gun enhancements reviewed and I have always hoped my time would come too. My day in court has finally come! I am truly ready to go home Diane. I am filled with eager anticipation over what the future holds for me.

I know once I am released I am going to do well. That fills me with joy and happiness. Being with my family is more important to me than anything else I can fathom. I have visions of being out there with my family doing all of the beautiful and fulfilling things life has to offer. I spend time each night reflecting on all of the things I have discussed with my wife and daughter. I contemplate what we are going to do to make up for the many lost years my incarceration has created. The timing of this entire process is pleasing to me. It is entirely possible that I will be a completely free man before the next winter season arrives. It is a hope that springs from deep within my soul that I spend the next Christmas with my family. I would appreciate it if you pray for me.

It’s been so long I actually can’t even remember what things were like the last time I was outside of the prison system. I do know things outside are much better for me now than they ever have been in the past. I truly feel blessed for everything that I have waiting for me. I have the love of a good woman who I truly cherish. I have a daughter who supports me and longs to develop a stronger relationship with me through authentic face to face interactions. They both love me, wish the best for me and want to see me be successful with my life on the outside. I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, that is exactly what I am going to do. I wish you an outstanding summer.

Best regards,


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