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I am a domestic violence survivor as well as an abuser. At four years old, my house was shot up over disputes. At five, my mother was stabbed over thirty times while I jumped on the manโ€™s back, trying to protect her, only to be thrown against the wall and knocked out. I woke up to detectives, and that was my first police report.

Then, I moved in with my grandmother because of my motherโ€™s drug addiction. Then my grandma got sick and died. When I was seven, I moved back in with my mom, and in that year, she was shot for the first time, and it wasnโ€™t the last. Now we have moved yet again. If I havenโ€™t expressed it, we moved around quite a bit, so I didnโ€™t have many friends for a long period. Then, at nine,ย  my mom graduated from college, only to be murdered a year later. I lost my mother to domestic violence.

Now, all these years later, I am being held against my will for domestic violence. I get out this May 2024, and I donโ€™t know what I will do. I want to use my story to help others. This trauma has prevented me from having a full life. I have ruined football and track scholarships and relationships with my family and friends and tried but donโ€™t know how to change. I have been operating off negativity. The universe keeps blessing me, but I keep squandering those very blessings.

I am trying to be a better human being, but I did not develop the proper skills in dealing with my anger, so I am asking that you help me find a way to tell my story in a way that doesnโ€™t offend my victims and helps me help others. I am not a saint by any means, but I do want to be a better person. I would like to sit down with someone and come up with the dialogue to tell my story.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

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