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My people are those whom I know, in their heart of hearts, have a place for me.

Vasil, 43
Incarcerated: 16 years
Housed: New Jersey State Penitentiary, Trenton, New Jersey

I am my people because Iโ€™ve shed blood, sweat and tears with my people, for my people. I am my people because Iโ€™ve shared the good, the bad, and the ugly with my people. I am my people because Iโ€™ve experienced strife and struggle with my people. Iโ€™ve been in toil, striving for success with my people. People arenโ€™t your people because they simply say so. People arenโ€™t my people when they have failed to show up in my time of need. Time and again the struggle for success is when your people need you the most. Actions make you my people. My people are those whom I know, in their heart of hearts, have a place for me. Talk is cheap, those who do without saying are the people to me; my people you are, I am yours. Together, we are the people!

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