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Being in here has really opened my eyes to a lot of things and it has really taught me more about myself and who I really am.

I got 14 years and four months for second degree robbery, second degree burglaries with a ten year gun enhancement, this is my first time ever coming to prison. I never thought that I would ever be here. I was raised well by my grandparents who I love very much. I guess you can say I hung around the wrong crowd and let my pride get in the way. Being in here has really opened my eyes to a lot of things and it has really taught me more about myself and who I really am. Captivity has taught me how valuable life is.  I have lost three family members while being locked up and what made it hard was that I couldn’t be there. As I’m getting older, I’ve gained more wisdom and confidence. I wish that what I know now, I knew back then. I think my family would be proud of me,  I’ve come a long way and have been strong minded. I talk to my grandmother a lot. She’s a mother to me and my best friend. When I get out I want to look for a job to help her. What goes through my mind each day? My three beautiful kids and what I will do for them when I come home. I want to be the best dad for them. What am I trying to change about myself? I want to be a better person and think things out before I react. I dropped out of school when I was 15 so I could work. Today I’m trying to get my GED so that I can have a better job. What was the first package I received in prison?  First, I was very surprised because I didn’t know you could get a lot of nice things sent in here. When I got it I was very happy. I was also surprised that I was eligible to work and live at a fire camp, I didn’t know it existed. I thank God for helping me stay positive and strong minded. Without him I would be lost. I’m looking forward to going to church when I am released. I hope my family will see how much I have changed in prison.

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