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Oh the walls that we put up,

So high the world can see

The day we finally break them down

We’ll find humanity.

In this world of walls contain

My body physically,

But in my body dwells my soul

Which will forever remain free.

Soar beyond that ball and chain,

Glimpse the mountains in their glory,

We are in God’s cosmic hand

There’s no need for fear or worry.

Who says we are too far gone?

Who dares make this assessment?

When God sees us He says, “through me”

You are products of perfection.

I look around and all I see

Is ink on human beings.

Beneath it all I’m pleased to find

My reasons for believing.

With blood in vein and ink in pen

Inscribe your heart’s expression.

Look inside and you might find

We’ve all lived in a prison.

Not you nor I possess this side nor race, creed, or religion; why can’t we live in love

The key to our existence.

Read the story of my life

It’s rife with raw detail

Those that wish to see me fail

Will watch in shock as I prevail

I’ll climb as high as I can go

And push with all my strength.

Within me God will do the rest

To Him I’ll sing this song of thank

The Golden Key   

The Golden key to all of life

Resides inside the mind

It frees you from those wretched thoughts

And helps the weary to unwind.

It’s sweeter that the finest wine,

Has more rewards in it than whiskey,

To be content, it sure sounds great

It’s obviously so tempting.

Where to start? How does it end?

Questions with no solid answer.

What I can, sir, is say this

A peace inside will replace cancer.

Whether it be of the mind

Or whether it be sickness,

The Golden Key in time will fix this;

This I promise as a witness.

More than just a witness though,

I am a true believer.

For God has saved me from the slaughter

Of the mental meat cleaver.

The grinder of the mind can turn

A man to a disease,

But the golden key can fix this too,

Fix it up with ease.

Watch me as I walk out now

And brave the great unknown,

The Golden key inside my mind

It lives with God upon the throne

I’ll carry on this prison term

And feel as free as eagles do

The Golden Key will see me through

Until my freedom rings as true.

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