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Dear Diane, or to whom it may concern:

Best wishes, greetings and regards to you all! I had received your white manila envelope with your invitation letter asking me to submit for the (HoSQ) website a personal testimony regarding any experience or something that it had impacted my life while doing time behind bars. It is a great honor to contribute to your (non-profit) organization. I will pray that my personal testimony here it will in some small way be use as a Godโ€™s tool to transform, change, and deeply touch a โ€œbrotherโ€™s/sisterโ€™sโ€ heart who are also doing time behind bars like me, or why not to anyone else outside in the free world. Please, in advance give my thanks and regards to (Alyssa Tambura), founder of the non-profit, Walls to Bridges and who introduced my name to you all.ย  God bless her heart!

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