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I’ve come to learn I need to care and love myself mentally, physically and spiritually before I do anyone else.

Being locked away has helped me realize the real differences between my wants and my needs. Inside these walls, my feelings of being lost and forgotten haven’t made me lose hope or give up on my success. I’ve come to learn I need to care and love myself mentally, physically and spiritually before I do anyone else. I crave to write and talk to someone from the outside just for a sense of comfort. While this seems reasonable, I know I need to spend time educating myself first. How can I help someone else when I can’t help myself?  I am trying to figure out how I can be a better person than I was yesterday. By spreading positive energy, gaining knowledge through wisdom and simply taking “I can’t “ out of my vocabulary, I know I will be able to be better. I ask myself, how can I not do something – I haven’t even tried? If I fail, I will have something to study upon and get better at. One thing I do know, we, as in every living organism on the planet Earth, have the power to control the environment we live in because we are the masters of our fate, the captains of our souls. We have the power to control our thoughts and turn them into GOLD.

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