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I am now on my path to becoming a better man, not just for myself but for my family and community.


I am an โ€œincarcerated resident,โ€ and Iโ€™ve learned the true understanding of experience and love. I thought helping others before helping myself would take place for my past wrongdoings, but I was wrong. Now I understand I have to love myself to love others truly. I realized it all starts by taking accountability not just to myself but to my victim, his family, and my family as well. I am now on my path to becoming a better man, not just for myself but for my family and community. I will do everything I can to prevent the next generation of youth from making the same mistake I made six years ago. And thatโ€™s how I plan on giving back to those who feel alone, donโ€™t feel loved, and suffer from childhood trauma like I did.

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