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Why do I always tend to reach for things, and people who are out of my grasp are not for me? Itโ€™s crazy. I want things I can not have or do not have time for, and I see things that are not in my view. I see and put so much into things and people that put so little into me.

I prayed and asked God what his purpose was for me. Why am I truly here? Better yet, why am I still here? I have learned how to embarrass pain, to look for it in all that makes me happy, and always to expect it.

I used to ask myself why me? Yet now I ask, when? If it takes too long to show up, I tend to get nervous because it has been in my life for so long that it has become a friend and place of comfort. Once we parted ways, my thoughts became my friend and place of comfort.

Iโ€™ve learned how to escape reality, but Iโ€™ve also learned how to find it. I see things and people for what they are and who they are. My thoughts battle with each other restlessly, and I must choose which ones win. I used to select and react to the wrong ones, yet now I always try to choose and react to the right ones in the right way.

Some things and people make it hard for me, so I stay quiet. Yet, nowadays, Iโ€™m finding it hard to stay quiet. All my life, I have done things to be seen when all I wanted was to be heard. So now my thoughts have begun and come to merge with my voice, yet it did not stop here because one day, as I was speaking to myself, I felt my hand moving and shaking vigorously, and when I looked down to see what was wrong I saw that I was writing out my thoughts, and when I read what I had to write. I understood and saw that I was creating and making reality, which was the very thing I had been doing all along.

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