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Prison is not the end. It’s actually the place where I was set free.


I grew up in a Seventh-Day adventist church and attended Seventh-Day Adventist school into college. Prison was never on my radar or a place that I would spend a life without parole sentence as (far as โ€œmanโ€ says). I did stray so far away from God and completely silenced the voice of the Holy Spirit. I made choices that I did not believe I was capable of making and 21 years later, I find myself in the only womenโ€™s prison in Nevada.

God has my attention and I realize โ€œinsideโ€ or โ€œoutsideโ€ I have a job to share the love of Jesus with everyone that I meet. I have the gift of encouragement, letting others know that there is nothing that you or I can do that will make Jesus fall out of love with us. Some people believe that they have done too much damage and their family has walked away, therefore, God must have given up on them. This is where God receives the glory, I say this is not true. Let me tell you my story and testimony.ย  By the time Iโ€™m done, people I have shared my story with have tears running down their face, they say โ€œIf God can do it for you, then He can do it for me.โ€

There are so many of us that have served a good amount of time. It is so important to always remember where God picked us up at and even though many years have gone by and we look like we have it together and we are all cleaned up, itโ€™s detrimental to never forget our condition at one point and extend a hand to someone who is behind us on the same journey and encourage them and be โ€œrealโ€ and say โ€œwe are more alike than you thinkโ€. There is healing in knowing that we are not the only ones who have ever done something we never imagined we could or would do.

Prison is not the end. It’s actually the place where I was set free.

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