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As I look back at the many times in my life where I should have met a certain death, I now know it was Jesus’ love and mercy that saved me from myself.

I was the fourth and last child to be born to my 19-year-old mother. She had four kids, no education, no resources, and no father figure in our lives, it was rough. I never got to know my biological father, but I now know that he was dealing with mental illnesses and drug abuse. As I grew up, I went through and witnessed numerous mental, physical, and life-threatening abuses and traumas. I now suffer and struggle with PTSD. Fortunately for me I’ve been able to work with many wonderful psychologists who have taught me some great coping skills and techniques to survive. Today my greatest and most powerful ally is my Lord and Savior Jesus The Christ! It’s the relationship that I’ve built with Him that keeps me not only surviving but actually thriving (even while I’m here on Death Row!) As I look back at the many times in my life where I should have met a certain death, I now know it was Jesus’ love and mercy that saved me from myself. I live in His love, mercy, and grace and I try to share these things with everyone I come into contact with. I’ve been blessed with the joy and peace that comes through His Holy Spirit living in me. That’s the greatest gift that I have ever received, and it will only get better when Jesus makes His return. In the meantime, I’ve been staying positive and productive by writing a poetry book and taking a paralegal certification course. I try to grow mentally, physically, and spiritually a little bit every day. I’m still learning and growing, which is what I think is the whole point of life. To all of humanity, I send you LOVE WITHOUT A LIMIT! That’s my motto and creed. If you can be anything in this life – BE KIND! Peace to you always and forever.

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