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We know anything coming from a prisoner is unheard of, society only ever hears of negatives, never positive, but some behind bars are capable of empathy, remorse and lifting up others from despair.

Incarcerated: 45 years

Housed: Marion Correctional Institution, Ohio

Over the past several decades I have painted and gifted 11,000 landscapes to needy causes, individuals, and created educational projects. In recent months our team orchestrated an event at a private school in Baja, Mexico. Seventy four paintings were gifted to the senior students, who performed remarkable deeds.

Giving back to strangers is a wonderful message to share. We know anything coming from a prisoner is unheard of, society only ever hears of negatives, never positive, but some behind bars are capable of empathy, remorse and lifting up others from despair.

One Comment

  • Greg says:

    That painting of the pond and cottages surrounding it is really good. It’s very thought provoking, which is really what art is all about isn’t it? The whispy trees, the birds in flight, the muted quality of the light all seem to contribute to the mystery. And the background. I can imagine the background as a distant sea, or the abyss of a very large sky depending on how I view it. It’s an enjoyable piece of art to just spend some time viewing… you have talent!

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