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I know this may sound crazy, but I thank God I came to prison because now Iโ€™m learning to be a positive example to my babies, and God willing I will leave here someone they can be proud of.

I’m the proud father of seven beautiful children. I was blessed with two boys and five girls. My children gave me a sense of purpose and helped me get out off the streets. I wanted more than anything to be an example to them and give them what my parents werenโ€™t able to give me.

Then, one December night in 2015, I experienced every parent’s worst nightmare, that dreaded phone call from the police letting you know that something happened to your child. It was the worst pain I have ever felt.

My oldest son, Keymonel had been struck by a big rig on his motorcycle and killed. I felt like God had turned his back on me, I mean all the bad shit I had done, why wouldn’t God spare Keymonelโ€™s life and take me? He was only eighteen, why my son?

From there, my life fell into an uncontrollable, self-destructive, downward spiral. Trying not to deal with reality, I started abusing drugs and alcohol to numb the depression. Not only did getting high destroy me, it tore apart my marriage and household. I was no good to my remaining children or wife.

I honestly felt like I didn’t have shit else to live for. I even thought about committing a crime, in hopes the police would take my life since I was too much of a coward to pull the trigger myself.

But God had different plans for me. I got locked up before I could hurt myself or somebody else.

Optimistically, one could say prison saved my life. I now have a better relationship with my children and x-wife. Although we couldn’t save the union, we have become close friends and she’s very supportive of me getting my shit together.

Since Iโ€™ve been incarcerated I’ve been studying for my GED and found that I really enjoy learning and in particular writing. Iโ€™m taking vocational classes in electronics as it relates to green energy and solar photovoltaics and attending anger management and narcotics anonymous classes.

When I leave San Quentin, I’ll have a trade and will be a better man than when I got here.

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