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I am not a special person, I am a regular person who does special things. I do my part. I am rewarded when others do theirs.ย 

What gets me through each day in here?

This topic is difficult to answer because each day brings new problems.

I look at life as work and approach it and try to handle it like a job. There’s comfort in running my life like a multimillion dollar corporation and I am the chief executive officer, the better I am at my life the better it gets.

Within my daily life I tend to complain and blame others when it isn’t working. I often hold someone else responsible when it does not give me what I want. Being mindful of doing the best I can means Iโ€™ll be paid better. When I perform tasks to the very best of my ability I receive rewards. The one thing that can stop my advancements in life is work. In order to advance, I need to be thorough and become better at it. If I am not successful at work, I am not advancing in life.

Ultimately, I have realized life is not better until I am better. Without giving more I can not get more. Through this process I have learned about my ego and I understand that.

Some of us in here give up on life. We move from day to day, with no plan, no goals, and ultimately no rewards. For me to succeed daily in prison I educate myself and help others, I am then rewarded and feel as though I have done my part. That’s what gets me through the days, weeks, years.

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