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I know for a fact that a dog’s perfect day consists of love from his human. I read that dogs love us unconditionally, and they forgive us no matter what we do, or have done.

I worked as a police officer in Miami-Dade county. As a lover of animals, especially dogs, I really miss the interaction with them. I know dogs need and rely on humans for love and care. I know for a fact that a dog’s perfect day consists of love from his human. I read that dogs love us unconditionally, and they forgive us no matter what we do, or have done. I had a dog named 2 pac, who I raised as a puppy. I can remember getting so upset at him when he would use the floor as his toilet. Once, when I came home from working a 10 hour shift, he was there looking up at me with eyes that were so innocent. I yelled at him, and he began to shake, then an inner voice told me that I have been at work for over 10 hours and it wasn’t his fault. I changed my tone to a soft voice and he was still shaking with fear. I gave him a nice, firm hug, and he immediately returned my love and forgiveness by licking my face. I was his human, and he was my dog. I never realized how much I actually loved that dog until he was taken away from me by a dog thief. One night after a stressful day at work, he put his cold nose to my face while I slept, his way of telling me he needed to go out. I was too tired to go downstairs, lazily I opened the door to let him out.  He was always good about coming back and scratching on the door when he wanted to come back in. When that scratch at the door didn’t come ten minute later, I immediately got up and went to look for him. He was nowhere to be found. Everyone in my building said they saw him heading back to my door, as he always did. I put up a reward of $2,500.00 for his safe return with no questions asked. I couldn’t sleep and I could not function properly without his love. I lost the love of my life that night because I was too lazy to give him a few minutes of attention and love.

I learned a lot from 2pac.  

I learned that when you love someone, you never take shortcuts. 

I learned that you provide the attention and love that you know that they need.

As an innocent federal inmate, I now need that same love and attention that my beloved 2pac needed on that night. When God provides it to me again in a person or an animal, I will never take it for granted. I will not take shortcuts on my love for them.

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