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It’s all about being Free doing the Month of Black History.
Abraham Lincoln set the slave(s) free in 1863 in his Gettys
Burg address speaking out for independence.
I had A Dream by Martin Luther King, and B.B. King singing
Mabeline, and Ali the Boxing king and Champ of the Ring and
Rosa Parks had gut(s) not to give up her Seat on the Bus.
Brother Malcolm X created a Mess by saying the Rooster is
Coming Home to Nest.
Aretha Franklin was the Queen of Souls and receive many
record Music Goals, and she never forgot her Freedom Roles.
James Brown the God Father of Soul who song: Say It Loud
I Am Black and I Am Proud.
Spike Lee, produce Black Picture(s) of Decency with Morality
showing the true color(s) of Black History.
Black shows on T.V. have no real Black History or Decency
calling each other degrading B(s) and things you would not want
to be.
I ask you how can this be if we have Black Dignity and respect
for Black History.
It(s) been Hell being helpless in a cell and not able to
Ring the Freedom Bell and watching injustice avail.
Is History a fairy tale for so many Black(s) being in Jail
where slavery still avail.
The pioneers’ Freedom Fighter(s) Minister Louis Farrakhan,
and Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton than got 01d and can
no longer carry out their Fighting Role(s).
Former President Obama sets Back and Rest his Back watching all
types of disrespect with no concepts of regrets and he watch the
hater trying to tear down to the ground his Health Care Bounds.
Former President Trump was saying what do Black(s) have
to lose after many years of being abuse and vote for me and
get equality.
As I set in deliverance I think about Black History and all
types of victory and Black Athlete(s) having fun competing
against the Gun and boy how Jesse Ownes could Run.
I think about Home Runs and Jackie Robinson, hitting the
Ball over the stadium Walls, breaking records for all types
of Baseball.
Brother Dred Scott, got a Shock when he got Block by the
Supreme Court stop and he could not win because he wasn’t a Free
Sister Harriet Tubman was known as Moses on the throne
and she had a lots of backbone and she escape a long to become
Free and return to the plantations to set Free those slaves held
in Captivity.
The underground Rail Road was a cite to see and it set Free
those slaves who wanted Liberty.
There are many Blacks resting above that History never speak
of and the Whips, the Chains, the Hangs and many remain Free of
the Blames and that is a shame.

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