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As I sit here, at thirty five, I find myself putting the pieces together from my shattered childhood.

Since 13, Iโ€™ve been in either juvenile hall or prison. My life started in a broken home. I was adopted by my heroin addicted uncle.

Iโ€™ve spent thousands of nights, and just as many days, slipping into season after lonely season in my head trying to get my life back together. I am still trying to figure out how I got here, who I truly am, and how to find lifeโ€™s joy. It overwhelms me at times, and has put more tears in these eyes than youโ€™d imagine.

When you ask yourself such things, it compels you to search your soul. To face every truth, lie, fear and hole within yourself. Iโ€™ve been doing so since I was that child, and while it prolonged me with pain it also helps me grow, to be strong and remain human.

I feel I had two choices when given a life sentence at eighteen: I could become numb and heartless and give up hope, or hold onto my humanity and heart and try to be the person people encouraged me to be. Well I chose the latter!

Walking into prison at 18, I could become numb, heartless and give up hope or I could hold onto my humanity and heart and try to be the person people encourage me to be, a good person.

Thankfully, I chose the latter. Although I have lost my way countless times in here, I continue to choose just that, and maybe these words here will help some to see that. I caused more pain than Iโ€™ll ever be proud to admit, and plenty of havoc too, but Iโ€™ve also spread love on end.

I have done good deeds, and leave laughter in my wake. My intentions are always to put a warm smile on another person’s face. Everyday, Iโ€™m trying to be a better person. Despite my past and the malicious wrong doings upon me, that is what I choose. I am worthy of love, capable of so much, just like you.

Yes, my demons haunt me every single day and night! But I overcome them and try to be a good person, which is the only way to be free. Iโ€™m just like you. That’s my truth and I thank you very much for listening.

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