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 I’ve learned to open up, and love myself. To respect and be kind to every human being, no matter who they are.

Prison saved my life in a strange way. I was miserable and unhappy. My marriage was toxic no matter how hard I tried to get it right. I landed flat on my face every time. Prison turned out to be a blessing, especially San Quentin. I got my GED. I’m taking college classes and I’m in multiple self-help groups. The people here are helpful and caring. I’ve learned to open up, and love myself. To respect and be kind to every human being, no matter who they are. I’m getting the help I need, staying productive and positive. My Mom, son and daughter give me the strength and determination to better myself. I’m so proud and blessed to have them in my life. They are good people. For me failure is unacceptable, my mission and goal is to leave prison a better man, humble, caring, loving, compassionate, independent and helpful to others. I want to work and enjoy a simple joyful life. San Quentin to me, is special. It taught me to be accountable for the people I harmed. Embrace the hurt I caused to society. To feel the pain I inflicted on my loved ones and to take responsibility for my past destructive behavior. 📸 Miguel’s personal collection #support

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