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I’ve learned that in order to get a second chance in prison, you have to use your time productively and not allow negative people to control the outcome of your life.

They told me prison was the best thing to happen to me. When I asked why, I always got the same answer. You’d be dead out here or doing life. Thinking about it now they were right. I was so lost, drugs controlled me. Prison isn’t a place anyone should need to come to, but if I hadn’t – things would be different. I’m trying to continue to make my time productive. Currently, I’m setting out to get into college and obtain an AA degree with the last three years I have left. There’s two current paths I’m looking into. One, I’d like to start a bakery and two, counsel young kids who are in gangs and grew up like me, to give them a chance out of that lifestyle. I’ve learned that in order to get a second chance in prison, you have to use your time productively and not allow negative people to control the outcome of your life. So I’m thankful for prison and what I’ve learned along the way.

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