Featured Story

Anthony, 61

Anthony, 61

“I stole for her, robbed for her, lied for her, deceived and manipulated family and friends for her, and I even committed murder just for her.”

Anthony, 61

“I stole for her, robbed for her, lied for her, deceived and manipulated family and friends for her, and I even committed murder just for her.”

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Gerald, 35

Gerald, 35

Meet GeraldMy childhood is hard to talk about after they split up. I wish the world was different and families never fell apart. My heart goes out to kids like me. I was an emotional wreck and nearly drove my momma crazy. By high school, I was...

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Manuel, 35

Manuel, 35

Meet ManuelAs I sit here, at thirty five, I find myself putting the pieces together from my shattered childhood. Since 13, I’ve been in either juvenile hall or prison. My life started in a broken home. I was adopted by my heroin addicted uncle....

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David, 45

David, 45

Meet David In the past 5 years I’ve met murderers who’ve received a lesser sentence. Horrific child rapists have gone free. Meth and opioid addicts come and go like the wind. I woke up in the New Rino-Valley Regional Jail. I had no idea what had...

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Tallulah, 35

Tallulah, 35

Meet TallulahA year in review It was a bad year for the planet. Every creature on the face of the Earth endured the pain and/or loss. Yet a Mercy, even though we do not understand it. From one of the worst natural wildfires ever in Australia. A...

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Shebri, 37

Shebri, 37

Meet ShebriWhat I have learned about myself in prison? Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.I’ve learned that I am stronger and more resilient than I could have ever reimagined. I’ve learned that there are...

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Gwendolyn, 47

Gwendolyn, 47

Meet GwendolynPrison Lives Matter We are Breona TaylorGeorge FloydFreddy Grayand so many more.We can’t breathe! The only difference, ours started on the inside.  We sit here, day after day, calling out to people who are not there.  We look for help...

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Gerald, 50

Gerald, 50

Meet GeraldMy father was murdered when I was seven. I lost my first born son when I was 17. Those were the bigger traumatic events. I had no tools to process any of it, so I became addicted to drugs. I was full of anger, pain and endless evil...

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Ruben, 42

Ruben, 42

Meet Ruben I think it’s great that you guys have created this program. Writing is a healthy form of expression and it gives us the ability to use our time productively. I have been incarcerated since 2007, when I was convicted to a life sentence....

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Juan, 29

Juan, 29

Meet Juan“Gratitude” I can’t have you always giving me attitude When all I have ever done is give you gratitude I pour it all to you with every letter And yet you never make me feel better There’s no point in me writing all these poems If all you...

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Marcus, 29

Marcus, 29

Meet MarcusIn a moment of reflection, a time of solitude, I figured it out. All my life I was living a lie, a false sense of identity. Trying to be something that I wasn’t, instead of being someone that God intended for me to be. Growing up as a...

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