Introducing Donnie, 46 Growing up in the eighties, fast food was everything and nothing was bigger, or cooler than McDonald’s.humansgodaddyMarch 25, 2022
Introducing Joseph, 68 I have always been a proponent of pro-choice; and if anyone ever asks me what my feelings are on the…humansgodaddyMarch 23, 2022
Art Anthony R’s Gallery My story is similar to a lot of people who know what it’s like to want more out of life,…humansgodaddyMarch 22, 2022
Art Cedrick’s Gallery Creative Educational Damage If my original artwork could be summed up in three words, it's creative, educational and damage. They…humansgodaddyMarch 21, 2022
Introducing Michael, 61 It’s not easy to come to the point where you want to change your mindset. It can be a mentally…humansgodaddyMarch 21, 2022
Art Fabian’s Gallery At 16, I was released from a hospital for depression, suicide attempt and substance abuse. My sister introduced me to…humansgodaddyMarch 20, 2022
Poetry “The Love Child” & “Life Is a Circle” by Eddie The Love Child After nine months the time was right a child was born in God’s sweet sight Now who’s…humansgodaddyMarch 18, 2022
Gratitude Thank You from Walter My Dearest Humans of San Quentin Family! I hope I can consider y’all family because I definitely consider y’all family!…humansgodaddyMarch 18, 2022
Art Mark’s Gallery I was on the front lines moving incarcerated people into isolated housing when COVID hit us hard. Some of the…humansgodaddyMarch 18, 2022
Art Patrick “Jimmy’s” Gallery My inspiration is a chaotic mix of my Native American culture and my love of all things Steampunk and Star…humansgodaddyMarch 17, 2022