Introducing Michael, 56 "Everyone in life has dues to pay. Paying dues means being part of the solution rather than part of the…humansgodaddyJanuary 12, 2024
Introducing Albert “RU-AL”, 59 I’m going to make history as well as leave a positive legacy for my great, great, great grand kids.humansgodaddyNovember 3, 2023
Introducing Lyle, 45 Within a few months the classes on death row were eliminated. The rehabilitative ideal was purged. Central Prison became an…humansgodaddyAugust 7, 2023
Introducing Ramon, 63 The life of a death-row prisoner is harsh, restrictive, isolated, and lonely. So moving out into the mainline environment after…humansgodaddyJuly 31, 2023
Introducing Anthony, 38 She told me I was a great writer and that my pen would get me out of the… pen.humansgodaddyJuly 10, 2023
Introducing Demetrius, 56 I’m no saint nor an angel. I want to be around genuine, caring, optimist people. I am just trying to…humansgodaddyJune 12, 2023
Introducing Crandell (Ojore), 54 “In a place of darkness and stagnation, I shine like ten thousand suns, but it is the light and love…humansgodaddyFebruary 25, 2022
Poetry “Humans Write” by Crandell “Ojore” “Instead, ask your numerous populations Why police brutality and firearms ovations Are the result of misrepresentation, miscommunication."humansgodaddyFebruary 22, 2022